Thursday, June 17, 2010

What do you know about hair extensions?

Facts only please not speculation. Have you ever had them and what were they like any bad points

What do you know about hair extensions?

Here are the facts or hair extensions. No matter what people tell you they will damage your hair at least a little bit. I used to work in a salon and the best hair extensions I have seen are the Eurolocks. Instead of using glue they use cooper clasps. This way they can be removed a lot easier with less stress on the scalp and folicals. I must warn you though...they are very expensive. Think around $2,000.They last for about two months. Then you have to go back in get them taken out and if you want to do a shorter style you can use them one more time. One other thing to know about them is that when you are washing your hair you can only condition the middle and tips of your hair. You CAN NOT conditon the roots as this will make the extension soggy. Also they are good because you dye your hair first then you match the extensions to your hair by rolling and blending many colors. That's about it. Happy extension hunting.

What do you know about hair extensions?

i dunno

What do you know about hair extensions?

I hated them they broke my hair off to bad so I just grew my hair out and delt with the real stuff

What do you know about hair extensions?

Whoever posted 'I dunno' is a f*ckwit.

I'd say don't get them. Common facts -

They stop your hair from growing.

The excessive straightning which will be needed damages your natural hair.

The glue which you may use is hell to get out.

Darker coloured extensions tend to be more expensive.

What do you know about hair extensions?

If your going to get extensions, do it once and do it right.

What do you know about hair extensions?

They itch. After a while they begin to smell. There is no way to match the natural color of your hair.

It's hard to get your hair back to a normal condition after wearing the extensions for so long.

What do you know about hair extensions?

They look fake.. and they severely damage your own hair. You realize they GLUE them to your head?? Glue?? Ick. Be patient and grow your own hair out.

What do you know about hair extensions?

i have had them when i was going somewhere special. one method is your hair is braided and they sew in the extensions. which is much better cause the only worse thing that happens to your hair is that it gets dirty when braided for a long time. after i was done with them, i snipped the thread, undid my hair and just washed it. no damages, no hair pulling and no hair loss

What do you know about hair extensions?

This question is too broad. Be specific about your question. I will give a GENERAL overview. In my professional opinion most people are clueless of how expensive, time consuming and how much extra care most hair extensions require. I work with them and have worn them. If your hair is thin, certain types work better. If your hair is shorter but thick others work better. Do you want to be able to put your hair back? If you e-mail me directly I can give you more specific info as it pertains to you. Best of luck.

What do you know about hair extensions?

It really depends on the type of extenstions you get and your grade of hair and its condition. By grade I mean hair type : fine, coarse... And condition refers to whether its healthy or damaged. Its best to have a consulation with a licensed stylist who specializes in extentions bc many of the answers you've recieved are right and wrong.

Glue is ok for short term extensions : for special occasions or going out. Wearing them long term won't damage your hair tho, the damage comes when trying to remove the glue. Its very tricky and you must have patience.

Sew in extensions are the best way to go for most people. But if your hair is damaged and you have long extensions the weight will pull on your natural hair causing breakage.

It is very easy to match your hair color. You get what you pay for so pay a little more and you will get a superb product. Remember any hair dresser can put in extentions but can she apply them well AND color / cut them so the look is natural.

Lighter extension colors are more expensive because most donors (mostly chinese and indian) have dark hair which must be lifted. Lifting involves first bleaching the hair and then applying the desired color. If you apply ash blond dye on top of black hair you will never get ash blond which is why it must be bleached first. This is time consuming and costly thus the lighter the hair the more expensive it is.

Also any extensions ( glue, sew ins, clip, metal clasp) will get damaged or tangled or get matted if you don't take proper care of them. You can't jump in a pool, or shampoo your hair and just let it air dry. It will be a tangled mess. Be gentle detangle and handle carefully.

I hope this answers your questions and squashes some of the myths surrounding hair extensions

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